Things are going well with Elder Wright. He is a really good kid. We get a long well and he is improving little by little. I am so glad I got him versus the other whites in his group. They were all way weird. Elder Wright is definitely a bro.
Alexander and Martha continue to progress really well. They already have 4 back to back attendances of the three hours. The requirement is 3 attendances. Anyway, they are doing really well for the 7th of May. We are working on getting a lot of members to come to their house to befriend them. It is working and they are already inviting people from Bogota to come to the service. Their progress is a real tender mercy.
We are also seeing some unexpected progress from a family of 5. They are old investigators that came to the church 2 years ago and then stopped coming. They are a good humble family that live in this sketchy part of Faca that is on top on a mountain. It is a hike to get up there. I really want this family to do well. They are not married, but they are interested in the option. They came to church this week, all five of them, but only stayed the first hour. Hopefully we can put a fecha with them this week to help them progress towards sometime in June. Please pray for them.
We are having a lot of teaching opportunities here in Faca. We are already, even after opening two areas, teaching more lessons that the two prior companionships had combined. In the last three weeks we have found 13, 15, and 13 new investigators, when the average of our zone is 4 a week. I say this not to boast, because we still have a LONG ways to go; I am just excited about what is happening in the areas. Alexander and Martha, and then hopefully this family of 5 from Pueble Viejo show the most promise at this point.
Today we went to the Jehovah´s Witness "center" or "visitors center" thing. It was actually pretty dope. They have an army of workers that keep the place spotless. They print off all the magazines, books, etc for Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, and Ecuador. It was pretty impressive. Everyone was SO nice. Too nice though. The place is huge and cool.
One thing that I have thought much about lately in the severity of sin. I think sometimes we do not realize just how much damage sin really does. Satan is the great imitator, father of lies, and the son of the morning. He knows us well. He knows our faults/weaknesses, and even knows the scriptures. If we do not build up a good defense, we will lose, and the sin will stain us. However, the Atonement is real, and it is powerful. It erases sin completely. I have experienced its grand power. If all the world would come to a greater comprehension of the Atonement, things would be a lot different.
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